Access to my Windows "Store" is only via my Wife's MS Live Sign-In UserID and there is No Way to Change it I can Find


Whenever i go to the Windows Store on my 8.1 Pro Laptop and try to install **Anything**, Windows asks for me to sign onto my Windows Account but **ONLY** Offers me the choice of signing onto my Wife's account.


(1) I have already signed onto my Microsoft Account: at the time of booting into Windows on my Laptop [i.e., entered my "' MS Live userid for signing in].

(2) There are no Options (that I can find) within the Windows Store to allow me to designate a Different ID (That is: My Windows ID, rather than my wife's Windows ID of '').  That is, the sign-on screen comes up **Automatically** with the UserID of my wife (""), ONLYT allowing me to enter the **Password** for That Particular UserId - but **Not** change the UserID

(3) When I then go to my Browser and sign into Microsoft Live **directly** with my MS Live Userid, there are no Options **Anywhere** in my ID Profile, Account, - OR Anywhere Else [I looked at Every Menu Option for my MS Live account] to allow me to ensure that the ID "" is somehow an alias that I can delete, or in any other way "Tell" MS Live to ONLY use my MS Live Account for the MS Store.  Simply Speaking: that ID [My wife's "" ID] does NOT Show Up ANYWHERE under ANY Menu in my Microsoft Live Account, so even if I sign [again, since it did it at Boot time also already] into my MS Live Account, there is nowhere where there is some "Option" to somehow "Turn Off" the recognition of ONLY my wife's Microsoft Live ID from my Window's Store.

Yes, I suppose I **Could** simply ask my wife for her ID - EXCEPT Guess What?  She asked for it to be deleted when she ran into MS Login problems on her laptop (perhaps because she forgot the PW) and I've been told recently By MS Support that indeed it has been deleted.

Sooo:  Is There Any Way To Even Manually (in the Registry or elsewhere) Fix This Issue?

[B-T-W:  I think the problem originally occurred when my wife tried to purchase MS Office 365 University and had major problems creating a MS Live ID and being able to Login to get to her machine.  Once she had purchased the subscription - which was for TWO Machines - I used her ID at that time to try and get access to the install files for a copy MS Office 365 University to install on **My** laptop as well.  I think that is when I originally was able to input her ID ("") somewhere as I tried to get to Office 365, which was purchased under her "" ID.  It Never Worked - because she forgot her password somehow, so I eventually gave up on that approach and she asked for her money back for her purchase of MS Office 365 University and was given nit back.  Since I still wanted MS Office 365 University, I used a link from an email sent me by Microsoft to purchase, download, and install MS Office 365 University thru my OWN MS Live account.  But this never succeeded in "Changing" this issue I've described above of all access to MS Store coming up with my wife's "" MS Live ID automatically to sign into the Store.]

February 17th, 2015 1:42am

Hello RDougShelton,

Is this Windows Store account issue occur after you change to your Office 365 account?
What do you mean about the sentence ONLY Offers me the choice of signing onto my Wife's account.?  You cant sign in as other account?

Please take the following steps for troubleshooting:
1. Run the Windows Store APP troubleshooter
2. Try to sign in your account in Windows Store
3. If you have an account, try to change user
For more information, please take a look at the following article about Windows Store accounts.

Please note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Best regards,
Fangzhou CHEN

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February 19th, 2015 8:39pm


What I meant by the sentence "ONLY Offers me the choice of signing onto my Wife's account." is that my Windows Store shows my Wife's OLD (I say "OLD" because according to Microsoft, it has since been deleted) Microsoft Account UserID - NOT **My** UserID, and doesn't allow for any means or option to switch out the UserID that is being presented.  It only allows for input on the password, which won't do me any good, since my wife (1) Doesn't remember her hardly-ever-used Microsoft Account userid Password and (2) I really should be able to use my **Own** Microsoft Account UserID anyway, to which I **do** know the password.

In any case, I ran the Troubleshooter you pointed me to (Thanks!).  But the Troubleshooter did **Not** complete successfully, because the ms-windows-store:PurgeCaches file is **Missing** (this error message came up while the Troubleshooter was running, and also the Troubleshooter results indicated only one of the three problems it found with the Windows Store on my machine had been fixed, the principle cause being exactly because this particular file is indeed missing) ==> see the following messages cut 'n pasted from the Troubleshooter's Results:

Windows Store Apps Publisher details
Issues found
Windows Store cache may be damaged Windows Store cache may be damaged <data id="Description" name="Description"></data> Not fixed Not Fixed
Reset and open Windows Store Completed
Windows Store configuration may be damaged Windows Store configuration may be damaged <data id="Description" name="Description"></data> Detected Detected
Re-register Windows Store Completed
Some security settings are missing or have been changed Some security settings are missing or have been changed <data id="Description" name="Description">Some apps might not have access to required resources</data> Fixed Fixed
Reset security settings Completed

Now that I've run this Troubleshooter, I have a **Completely Different [and seemingly WORSE] Problem** with the Windows Store on my machine:  when I click on it, I am sent Right Back to my Windows Desktop - every time.  I don't even get Into the Windows Store AT ALL - immediately after clicking, the screen changes back to The Desktop.

Any Thoughts on how I rebuild/recreate this Windows Store Cache file; or otherwise fix my access to Windows Store now?

February 24th, 2015 11:58pm


I've noticed that every time I run the "Windows Store Toubleshooter", That a couple of "Unknown Entries" are created in my Device manager.  This is consistent behavior.  Looking at the "Events" tab of each of those "Unknown Device(s)", I see the following information:

Device ACPI\HPQ6001\2&daba3ff&2 was configured.

Driver Name: null
Class Guid: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Driver Date: 
Driver Version: 
Driver Provider: 
Driver Section: 
Driver Rank: 0x0
Matching Device Id: 
Outranked Drivers: 
Device Updated: false

Windows 8.1 is **Not** able to find the Device Drivers for these Unknown Devices, but it certainly appears as though Windows 8.1 **Thinks** that the "Windows Store" should have its own Device Driver, since it consistently creates these "Unknown Device" entries Every Time after I've run the Troubleshooter [assuming I've since Previously **deleted** those "Unknown Devices" **Before** running the Troubleshooter again].

So perhaps there is indeed an appropriate device driver for the Windows Store on Windows 8.1 that you can point me to download to get things working again?

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March 1st, 2015 6:34am

Hello RDougShelton,

I apologize for the delay.

After run the app troubleshooter, unknown device will be created in the device manager?
Please share me a screenshot for analyzation.

About the device ACPI\HPQ6001\2&daba3ff&2, it seems like a HP device. Please contact the manufacturer HP to confirm if you need to install the specific driver.
It may be a HP Wireless Button Driver.

Besides that, try the GRBU2's reply marked as answer to see if it could resolve your issue:

Best regards,
Fangzhou CHEN

March 4th, 2015 5:29am


Lets forget about the HP Device, i think that is a peripheral/unrelated issue.

I did try the **Last** Solution that GRBU2 tried - That Is: the one he said **Solved** his problem.  I didn't try his preceding steps, but he was fairly sure that this last solution was independent from the previous steps he'd taken.

However, after rebooting my computer and checking that the change was still in place, I tried accessing the Windows Store again and had the same exact problem that I encountered after first running the Troubleshooter: the Windows Store "Icon" appears on the Task Bar, but the Windows Store **itself** Does NOT Open up.

So I tried the Troubleshooter Again, and once again it gave me the message that "the ms-windows-store:PurgeCaches file is Missing" - and indeed when i search for that file on my computer it is NOT present.  It isn't until I "Clear" that message that the Troubleshooter can proceed (otherwise it runs endlessly) - and again, it does NOT solve the problem.  [And also FYI: after running the Troubleshooter, the change I made per GRBU2 is still in place - it hasn't "reverted" or some how populated the New "cache" directory].


QUESTION #1: Do you know anything about why/when/where/how the "ms-windows-store:PurgeCaches" filk is created, where to get it, and what file path/directory to put it in?  That **may** solve my problem.

QUESTION #2:  I happened to check Windows Event Manager and found that a constant recurring cycle of events is happening with regard to the Windows Store - both **Before** - AND - **After** my attempt to use GRBU2's fix.  The recurring sequence is Event #973: Store-Client-UI: Store Module is loaded {Information msg only: No Error].  But that is followed consistently by Verbose Error message Event # 964 {always the same Event #], also on the Store-Client-UI.  here are the specific error messages when I open up that event message:

Entering for 0 updates.
Error: Unknown HResult Error code: 0xefffffff
Function: UpdateStoreBadge
Source: enduser\winstore\ui\helpers.cpp (1617)

It is always the **Same** Error message with the same "1617" error code.

Now, in earlier days (before today), I also different error msgs for this same event [964] Error Msgs:


Entering for [en-US].
Error: Unknown HResult Error code: 0xefffffff
Function: WinStoreBroker::SetChromeLocale
Source: enduser\winstore\ui\broker.cpp (1407)

Followed by:


Leaving for [en-US].
Error: The operation completed successfully.
Function: WinStoreBroker::SetChromeLocale
Source: enduser\winstore\ui\broker.cpp (1413)

Followed by:


If no new broker references in 60 seconds, broker will exit.
Error: Unknown HResult Error code: 0xefffffff
Function: SetExitTimer
Source: enduser\winstore\host\wshost.cpp (47)

I can send all these evetn msgs (there are, after looking, actually kore error msgs under the Event ID 973, as well as other different ones under 964) if that will help.

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March 5th, 2015 8:52pm

OK, nevermind:

I tried the SECOND STEP of GRBU2's attempts and NOW I have access to the Windows Store.  Here is what GRBU2 Wrote for that attempt:

"Run CMD as administrator to re-register the Store App: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.XML. Seemed to run okay, but I still couldn't access the store."

Keep in mind I had previously skipped to GRBU2's LAST step (the one you referred me to, Fangzhou) - the one which renamed the Cache" directory to "OldCache", so there might be some "interaction" of the two steps.  

But for others running into this issue of no access to the Windows Store (and YOU, Fangzhou, I was **Not Able To Run** that command line [owershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.XML]  UNTIL I Turned My Windows Firewall Back On.  

That's an issue, because I'm already running Kaspersky antivirus, and I do NOT want to have the Unnecessary Overhead of having to run Windows Firewall when Kaspersky has its own (and better) Firewall.

But I have rebooted and confirmed i can still get to the windows store now so my problem is Solved.  Thanks.

March 5th, 2015 9:17pm

OK, nevermind:

I tried the SECOND STEP of GRBU2's attempts and NOW I have access to the Windows Store.  Here is what GRBU2 Wrote for that attempt:

"Run CMD as administrator to re-register the Store App: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.XML. Seemed to run okay, but I still couldn't access the store."

Keep in mind I had previously skipped to GRBU2's LAST step (the one you referred me to, Fangzhou) - the one which renamed the Cache" directory to "OldCache", so there might be some "interaction" of the two steps.  

But for others running into this issue of no access to the Windows Store (and YOU, Fangzhou, I was **Not Able To Run** that command line [owershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.XML]  UNTIL I Turned My Windows Firewall Back On.  

That's an issue, because I'm already running Kaspersky antivirus, and I do NOT want to have the Unnecessary Overhead of having to run Windows Firewall when Kaspersky has its own (and better) Firewall.

But I have rebooted and confirmed i can still get to the windows store now so my problem is Solved.  Thanks.

  • Marked as answer by RDougShelton Friday, March 06, 2015 2:16 AM
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March 6th, 2015 2:15am

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